Monday, May 17, 2010

my 1st part time

perh , bapak penat sey . rasa mcm nk peluk bantal jerk skang . im too tired . mata x ley nk bukak uhuk3 . sungguh penat bekerja huh =,= . u know what i ni dah lah pemalu , tp bila nk kje kna jadi x malu . mcm mana ? uhuk3 rasa nak tido jerk skang but i wanna chat with him . i do miss him damn much ):
i miss youu

kawan :)

pagi pagi lagy sudah on ym bersama dia . aishh , ingt sudah balik melbourne tapi masih di tanah air lagy . haiyak , apa ni u anak mama betul lah haha , pegy lah balik sana . semak jerk sini :P . actually , he's very cool guy . ops , cool ke ? haha . btw , thanks for being such a nice friend for me . im appreciate this friendship . i sayang u sangat wahai kawan ^^ . nyway , i akan pastikan this year pnya open house i dtg serang uma u tau . u ckp nk layan i sorg jerk kn . so , wait for me adib khalid


p/s : dye sudah berpunya , so stay away from him haha

Sunday, May 16, 2010


"You are the thunder and I am the lightning
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me it's exciting
When you know it's meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When you're with me, baby. "

when i listen to this song , its reminds me about you . i love you