Sunday, June 13, 2010

u mean everything for me

sedih lah sbb dye dah x balik sini lagy . apek , aku rindu kau . aku dah xada som1 yg bley aku kongsi apa yg aku rase , suram jerk kau xada maa . hmm , balik lah sini syg . pleasee ): sumpah aku sgt rindu kau !!!!!!!!! even baru knl kau , tapi aku rase mcm kita dah lama knl , kau dan aku sntiasa serasi bersama . rindu saat saat kita karok weyy -___-

p/s : jaga diri baek baek syg , kau ttp dlm ingatan aku . jgn lupakan aku !

Friday, June 11, 2010

yang terindah

this song is dedicated to someone

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

once upon a time

today the last day they stay here , so kteorg pn kuar jalan jalan . kami byk menghabiskan masa bersama . perkenalan kami sgt singkat , rasa macam dah lama knl . xtau lah , sgt rindu that moment . rase macam ntahlah -_0 . bila lagy kita semua akn berjumpa ? hmm , really miss our moment . sgt sgt rindu . inilah gambar gambar kami bersama :

Friday, June 4, 2010

hmmm ,

lama sudah x update blog , rindu rase nya . btw , apa yg nk ditulis malam ni is about som1. more than words to describe u . i dunno why , but my heart akan berdegup dgn kencang when im with u . i know i will never get u . but what can i say , u d best that i found . korg pnh dgr x kata kata ni "setiap pertemuan pasti akan berlaku perpisahan" i think its true , i will never meet u here , i will miss you like crazy . no more u that i can see secara senyap , no som1 that akn curi pandang i lagy . i will miss that moment (sumpah nk nanges) -_- hmmm . can i say something ? i syg u :) . mungkinkah kita akan berjumpa lagy ?? i dunno . if not , its quite true that u not mine . so , i must realize about it . awak awak , just tcre of yourself . just believe what u do , i know its right thing . i will always remember n be beside u . selamat tinggal ! -_-